Chula League is a nonprofit 501[c]3 organization which has produced the Cherrywood Art Fair since 2005. Chula League is managed by an Executive Director and volunteer board of directors.

Chula League works to ensure that the arts and public outdoor spaces play a valued role in the educational, economic and cultural well being of East Austin neighborhoods.

The purpose of Chula League is:

  • To support arts and arts education.
  • To advocate for our children’s future through positive, productive, and meaningful mentoring relationships.
  • To undertake and promote charitable events related to the appreciation of the arts and aesthetic landscapes.
  • To enhance or preserve the beauty of public outdoor spaces through art, design and creative activity
  • To encourage the enrichment of private landscapes and surroundings through art, design and creative activity.
  • To seek grant funding and sponsorship donations for art education and public outdoor space improvements.
  • To revitalize East Austin and attract visitors to our city for increasing economic impact.

Chula League funds a variety of projects to achieve its mission and purpose. More information about Chula League can be seen on our website.

Chula League Board of Directors

Chair Renée Rice |
Vice Chair Patricia Shampton |
Secretary Brandy Davis |
Treasurer Nur Labardini |
At-Large John Mathew Bernal
At-Large Sarah Doering
At-Large Josh DuBose
At-Large Desaray Granzow
At-Large Carmen James
At-Large Brian David Johnson
At-Large Jane Finkbeiner Reinig


Chula League Advisory Board

Holly Herrick, Austin Film Society
Maddie Kadas, Beveridge & Diamond PC
Rick McNulty, KUTX
Sarah K. Wolf, The Austin Chronicle